WooCommerce POS Customer Checkout allows users to use the POS system themselves. They can use it to view, order products and complete checkout.
This add-on reduces the hassle of going to POS agents for users. This in turn increases accessibility for customers in the ordering process.
Note: The WooCommerce POS system needs to be installed before using the WooCommerce POS Customer Checkout plugin.
The WooCommerce POS Customer Checkout plugin is also compatible with WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.
- Customers can browse, choose and order products themselves.
- The basket is updated in real time when products are added and deleted.
- The POS system can also be used by guest users to order products.
- Customers can use different payment methods provided by the administrator for purchases.
- The administrator can enable coupons in the background for the POS system for users to use.
- The administrator can create notifications and display them on the POS screen.
- PWA enabled the plugin for efficient handling and fast operation.
- Customers can reset the shopping cart and log out of the POS system if enabled by the administrator from the background.
The user will get a zip file which he has to upload in “Add a new one” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.
To do this, login to the WordPress Admin Panel and under the dashboard hover over “Accessories” menu option. This brings up a submenu and then selects “Add a new one” option.

After that, you will see an option at the top of your page which is “Load plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file.

Then click on “Load plugin”, below which you will see the button “Select a file” click on the button to search the zip file as per the screenshot below.

Publish by browsing the file, click “Now install” to install the plugin according to the snapshot.

Now, when the plugin is installed correctly, you will see a success message. Additionally, the option to activate the plugin.
Click on “Activate the plugin” to activate the installed plugin.

To find out how to translate the module, you can click here.
NOTE: To generate JSON from your translations, save your translation file in the default WordPress language directory, then run the following command in the same directory: Note xx_YY
refers to the locality (e.g. en_US
“`wp i18n make-json wc_pos-xx_YY.po –no-purge
The administrator must clear the persistent link by going to Settings > Persistent Links for POS store links to work properly.

Administrator configuration – POS client
After successfully installing the WooCommerce POS Customer Checkout plugin, the admin needs to configure the following,
Customer POS
They have to navigate to WooCommerce Point of Sale > Customer POS.
Notification templates: Admin can add new notifications, edit and delete them under this tab.
They can enable or disable the display of notifications on the customer’s POS screen.
Group action is also available for the masses Delete, Enableor Disable notifications.
Search by title functionality to filter notifications based on titles.

Then the administrator should scroll to settings>Customer POS under it will configure the following sections,
In general
General configurations
Registration of the user’s POS address: The administrator can set the title that will be displayed on the login page.
Enable Guest Users to order through the client’s POS: Using this option, the administrator can allow or prohibit guest users from ordering through the Customer POS.
Configurations of user POS panels
The client’s POS logo in the header of the POS screen: The administrator can enable or disable the customer’s POS logo to display in the header of the POS screen.
Coupon on the customer’s POS screen: The administrator can enable or disable the option for users to apply coupons on the POS system.
Button to return to customer’s POS screen: If enabled, it will show the reset button on the main POS screen and also empty the cart.
Checkout button on customer’s POS screen: When this setting is enabled, it will display a logout button on the POS screen and users can logout from the POS using it.
Modal animation configurations
Choose a modal input animation: There are several modal input animations you can choose for the user POS screen such as Slide Up, Slide From Top, Slide Back, Slide Up Forward, Rotate, Bounce and None.
Choose a modal exit animation: Similarly, there are several modal exit animations such as Slide down, Slide out top, Slide center, Slide top backward, Scale out, Swing out and Nothing.
Order and inventory configurations
Quantity for low stock alert: Setting to set quantity to display low stock alert on POS screen.
Note: The customer’s POS inventory will work the same as WooCommerce Store Inventory.

Web application settings
- Name and Short name: Admin can set names and short names for the following fields that will be visible in the web application.
- Theme and Background color: Admin can even set the theme and background color of the app.
Media settings
This section will contain the application icon in different dimensions.
Note: A new updated manifest.json file is generated every time something changes and the PWA setting is saved.

The WooCommerce POS Customer Checkout plugin comes standard with the Cash and Stripe payment method.
The cash payment method is already present, and Stripe can be installed by pressing “Install Stripe” as shown in the image below,

Once installed, the Stripe payment method will be available for the administrator to configure and enable or disable, as well as for users to use at the POS.

The administrator also has the option to edit the payment method, the options listed in them are as follows,
Edit payment
Name of payment: Enter the name of the payment method.
Snail for payment: To set the payment method.
Description of payment: Text area to describe the payment method.
Outlet’s payment: Options to assign payment as Global or assign to a specific point of sale.
Payment status: Admin can enable or disable payment method status.

Additionally, the Stripe payment gateway has the fields below for its configuration,

End point
The administrator sets the endpoint for the POS client on this tab. This endpoint determines where the entire user interface is displayed.

Customer POS Screen – Flow
The first page is the user login screen to access the POS for the customer. Credentials are entered in it by the administrator. Admin must enter username and password.

After registration, the POS system is ready for use by customers. A front-end screen will be visible in which the products and the shopping cart will be displayed in parallel.
Customers will also see product categories and search for products using the search bar provided.
A shopping cart with real-time updates is displayed on the right. Whenever a customer adds or deletes a product, it will be updated instantly.
There is a bell icon at the top of the cart to view notifications and offers. To empty the basket at once, a delete button is also available.
AND Reset and Sign Out it is also visible on the left side of the POS system. Both buttons are enabled or disabled by the administrator.
Customers can then click on Continue button to continue the checkout process.

The customer will then proceed to the shopping cart for further processing. Here they will check their shopping cart, edit the quantity of products or delete them as well.
They can also enter coupon codes for discounts and add notes about their order.
Shopping cart section
If they want to see or add more products, they can click on Homecoming to return. If they want to proceed to checkout, they will click on Continue.

After clicking Continue, if the guest user is enabled by the administrator, no credentials are requested. However, if disabled, the user will need to enter credentials to continue.
They will enter the Customer username and E-mail for application. If the user does not already exist, the POS system will create a new user with the entered credentials.

The customer will also select a payment method on the same checkout page. The administrator enables or disables payment methods from the background.
Once the user has completed the above, they can tap Proceed to payment make a payment or Back to cart to return to the cart.
The Cash and Stripe payment options are available by default in the plugin.

When the customer chooses Cash and faucets on Proceed to payment, the order is complete. Furthermore, it redirects them to the order details page, which displays the ordered items along with the following.
- Order number
- order date
- Method of payment
- Payment status

If Stripe is chosen, the customer will enter the information necessary to pay for the order.
Instead of being redirected to another page, the user will fill in the card details on the same page.
After filling in the information, the customer will complete the payment by pressing To pay.

That’s it for the WooCommerce POS Customer Checkout plugin. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding WooCommerce plugins, you can contact us via webkul.uvdesk.com.
Current product version – 1.0.0
Supported framework version – WordPress-6.4.3 WooCommerce-8.6.1 WooCommerce POS-5.1.0