After a year since its arrival on iOS, WhatsApp on Android could finally receive transcriptions of voice messages, TheSpAndroid reports. TheSpAndroid during one of his deep APK researches found some strings that suggest the feature is under development. Strings refer to voice message transcripts and define what they mean. It also talks about needing to download 150MB of “new app data”.
What does this feature do?
WhatsApp Transcripts, available on iOS from May 2023, transcribe voice messages that users send. This happens using the phone’s speech recognition feature. For example, for it to work on iOS, users need to enable the “Hey Siri” wake-up call. What this does is listen to the voice message and then print out a written version of it to the best of its ability.
This transcript, like everything else on WhatsApp, is end-to-end encrypted. Transcripts of voice messages allow users to read what they will hear before pressing play. It also helps when users are in an area where they cannot play a voice message. There are a few limitations, of course. For starters, it may not always be completely accurate. Second, this only happens automatically if the message is less than two minutes. Otherwise, users must manually request a transcript. WhatsApp transcription also does not support some languages. And, understandably, background noise can affect how well it works.
Tips for WhatsApp transcription on Android
The wires found by TheSpAndroid are just that; wires. No actual code found to enable this feature. While WhatsApp Transcription already exists on iOS, it shouldn’t take long to bring it to Android. It is not known why it took so long in the first place. Especially since WhatsApp has been working hard to release new features every few months for both operating systems.
Transcription of voice messages is not something new. Rival messaging app Telegram, often touted as a better alternative, also has voice transcription. However, Telegram only allows unlimited use of this feature to paying users. In addition to Telegram, Google Messages also has voice message transcription. Transcription of WhatsApp on Android will finally put the Android version on a more equal footing with other competitors.
As noted by TheSpAndroid, this feature will likely be available the same way on iOS. That is, under Settings > Conversations. Apart from the latest updates, WhatsApp transcription on Android will greatly improve the user experience.