What is on-the-job learning? Definition and use cases

Picture this: You’ve entered your work day and are immersed in a complex project. Suddenly a training notification appears. Next thing, you’re pulled into a mandatory session about the new software update.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

This is an all too common scenario in traditional employee learning models. This leaves employees scrambling to catch up with the course and their actual work. And it leaves them feeling stretched, thin and relaxed.

Learning while working offers a more pragmatic approach to employee development and training. It’s a learning strategy that has the power to change the way employees learn and grow in your organization. The result? A higher level of employee engagement and better long-term training results.

Let’s find out more.

What is on-the-job learning?

Learning on the job is about a paradigm shift in corporate training. Introduced by industry expert Josh Bersin in 2018, it is a learning strategy that represents a departure from formal, macro learning in corporate learning. And according to the informal approach of micro learning.

Simply put, learning while working embeds learning opportunities into existing workflow. It provides employees with relevant information and skills when they need them. And its ultimate goal is to reduce interference during amplification retention of knowledge.

How does it look in practice? An interactive tutorial within your team’s work software is a good example of learning as you go. A ready-to-use resource, the guide is there for employees to use when they need it. Whether it’s help with a new task, a technical issue, or an answer to a specific question.

How does on-the-job learning differ from traditional training methods?

What is on-the-job learning?  Definition and use cases

Strict schedules, a one-size-fits-all approach, and long sessions are examples of traditional training methods. And they all have one thing in common. All of them create a disconnect between learning and real work. And this disruption in turn can lead to:

  • Disruption and lost workforce productivity. Long absence of employees from work hinders their workflow and results.
  • Disengagement and lack of motivation. Forced, generic workouts can be boring, frustrating and irrelevant.
  • Missed deadlines and delays. Juggling between professional development and a regular workload can be stressful for employees.
  • Poor knowledge retention. Traditional training often relies on one-off sessions, separated from the actual work context. With limited opportunities for consolidation and practice, a rapid decline in knowledge can follow.

Challenges of traditional training in the modern workplace

On-the-job learning solves all these traditional obstacles. However, it does not only provide an answer to these ancient challenges. Or a refreshing change of pace from your typical L&D strategy. It is a response to constant development the workplace learning landscape.

Which looks something like this:

Rapidly evolving technology and tools

The pace of technological progress and change in the industry is accelerating. Automation and artificial intelligence are rapidly changing work roles. And in order to remain current, capable and competitive, employees must adapt to growing responsibilities. Which means constantly developing new skills or improving existing ones. In this dynamic and ever-changing world of work, traditional, infrequent training is losing its relevance. And efficiency.

New working models

Remote and hybrid models are now the norm for many companies. And with an increasingly global workforce, employees don’t just work from different locations. They work in different time zones, often asynchronously. As a result, it is not always practical or possible to get people into the same training space at the same time. And asking them to take time off from work can cause a ripple effect of reduced productivity.

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Time constraints and information overload

Employees today manage multiple tasks. Information reaches them quickly through new communication tools and dispersed teammates. In this context, long training sessions can seem burdensome, scary and time-consuming. This makes it harder for people to feel enthusiastic and interested in learning at work. And even a cause of stress or anxiety.

The benefits of on-the-job learning

On-the-job learning offers a compelling solution to the above challenges. It does this by incorporating learning experiences into the daily workflow. It empowers both employees and organizations in the following ways:

Greater productivity

When training takes place alongside the daily workflow, employees do not have to be separated from what they are doing. And by minimizing disruption, they can complete tasks efficiently, accurately and on time. Allowing employees to learn while they work also eliminates the need for separate training sessions. This frees up valuable time and increases efficiency and effectiveness.

Better retention of knowledge

On-the-job learning aligns training with on-the-job tasks. Content arrives in bite-sized chunks, directly in the desktop environment. The information is always relevant to the task at hand.

It is designed so that employees can immediately apply their new knowledge in practice on the spot. And then reinforced through spaced repetition. All this eliminates the disconnect between learning and application improves long-term memory.

Improved employee engagement and motivation

When employees take control of their training, engagement increases. Learning while working supports self-directed learning. It allows employees to choose what they need and when. Which increases motivation and interest in (and interaction with) learning content.

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How to embed learning into your workflow: 8 practical strategies

Let’s move from theory to practice. Here are some examples of learning in progress. These effective strategies can help you incorporate training into your employees’ daily tasks:

1. Hug microlearning

Break complex topics into bite-sized modules that employees can complete within minutes. This serves shorter attention spans and allows employees to learn in small bursts throughout the day.

2. Take advantage of mobile learning

Use learning platforms and mobile-friendly apps to make training available anytime, anywhere. This allows employees to learn on the go, during breaks or even while commuting.

3. Encourage action-based learning

Design educational experiences that require immediate application. Things like quizzes and interactive simulations and tutorials allow employees to test their understanding. They also provide a safe environment to practice new skills within the workflow.

4. Adopt technology integrations

Host content on a learning management system (LMS) to deliver content and track progress. Also, consider exploring the potential of AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants. They can provide context-specific guidance and answer questions on the fly.

5. Create a culture of learning

Foster a culture of continuous learning by encouraging knowledge sharing and learning among peers. Also, celebrate knowledge achievements. Recognize employees who participate in learning opportunities. And reward them for it.

6. Embed learning within software applications

Use technology for instant support and clarification. Add built-in how-to guides, tutorials, and microlearning modules to the tools employees use every day.

7. Use performance support tools

Implement knowledge management systems, wikis and online communities to facilitate talent management and training.

8. Personalize learning paths

Tailor learning content and recommendations based on individual needs, roles and skill gaps.

Why on-the-job learning is critical to your future success

When work and study are separate activities, training usually takes second place. It’s either pushed into the important-but-not-urgent area. Or completed reluctantly and seen as a hindrance rather than an opportunity.

To adapt to the ever-changing demands of the modern workplace, you need to combine the two. And that means adopting a work-in-progress learning model where possible.

Not only is it a more pragmatic, productive and powerful approach. But it empowers employees to take ownership of their development. The result? A more robust, resilient and responsive workforce. And more robust, resilient and better business.

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