APPLE fans are obsessed with a little-known (but extremely handy) iPhone trick.
This makes switching between apps much easier – and completely changes the way you use your iPhone.

For many people, moving between iPhone apps means swiping from one and then tapping another.
But you can switch between apps with a simple, easy-to-miss gesture.
It was shared in a Reddit thread created by someone looking for tips and received dozens of upvotes.
A user wrote: “This is cool: instead of swiping up to switch apps in the main scrolling menu, you can swipe left and right on the white home bar and you’ll switch apps from full screen.”
Try it: Look for the white bar at the bottom of the screen when you’re in an app and swipe from left to right.
Note that sometimes there may be a black bar instead of a white bar.
This way you can quickly move back and forth between recent apps.
And you can do it directly from the home screen, but you will have to drag your finger along the very bottom edge of the screen.
Many iPhone fans were completely shocked by this feature.
One wrote: “OMG I’VE BEEN USING AN IPHONE 5 I didn’t know thissss.”
Another said: “This is legitimately going to change my life lol.”
One added: “Oh f***. iPhone for YEARRRRS and I had no idea. Thanks!”
And one user who already knew the trick wrote: “I go back and forth copying names and emails from screenshots and pasting them into Google Sheets.
“This has saved me so much time over the last year, it’s so fast.”
The feature is much faster than going back to the home screen to find yours Following application
But it’s only really useful if you’re trying to access recently used apps – not find ones you rarely open.
There is another neat typing trick shared in the thread.
Sometimes it can be difficult to place the cursor on the text you have touched on iPhone.
This is especially true if you’re trying to drop it in the middle of a word.
But you can actually transform your iPhone’s keyboard to work like a laptop trackpad.
Just hold your finger on the spacebar on the iPhone keyboard and the letters will disappear.
You can then drag your finger around the virtual touchpad to position the cursor with extreme precision.