I saw this video clip the other day on Instagram of comedian and teacher, Leslie Robinson, watching must-have training videos.
It’s funny and true!
What’s even better are comments like this one:
“One day I had 7 of them to watch, I tried to watch them in different browser windows at the same time but no luck, those developers outsmarted me.”
“Yes, they spoil our learning process” 🤣
Click here to view on Instagram.
The comments are full of good feedback that is so true for many eLearning courses and online training.
- Complaints about locked navigation
- Tips not to click done until you meet the minimum time requirement
- Irrelevant information
- Stupid questions in the middle to skip the locked navigation
Here’s the deal. We all know there is something wrong with e-learning. We probably had to do those courses and attend them as well.
So what is the solution?
Create better eLearning
Here are four tips for priming the pump:
- Show your clients this video and tell them they don’t want this or that they are wasting the organization’s time and money.
- Face the facts. Sometimes you can’t pass this type of training. This is what the client wants. In that case, build the best and fastest course possible.
- Focus on the student. Make the content more relevant to their needs. What will they learn? Why is that important?
- Get rid of locked navigation and find better ways to make your course more engaging.
What would you add to this list?