New open source GPU is free for everyone — FuryGPU runs Quake at 60fps, supports modern Windows software

A fully custom, open source GPU has come out of stealth after four years of development. FuryGPU is the one-man work of gaming software developer Dylan Barrie, who says he put together this extremely complex hardware and software project in his spare time. The FuryGPU is based on a Xilinx FPGA design, and the prototype PCIe graphics card can currently achieve around 44fps in the Quake Timedemo. Work on the FuryGPU began after Barrie was inspired by Ben Eater’s project to build a programmable 8-bit computer from scratch.

As you can see from the images in this article, the FuryGPU looks very similar to a typical PC graphics card from about 20 years ago, modernized by equipping DisplayPort and HDMI outputs. But the project is much more than hardware, and Barrie admits that the most painful aspect of designing this graphics card was creating the Windows drivers.

Hardware, from the manufacturer’s board to the graphics card

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