Introduction to DDL, DML and DCL commands in MySQL

MySQL is widely recognized as one of the most popular open source relational database management systems. It has enormous importance in the field of web development, data analytics and beyond. Its adaptability and user-friendliness have positioned it as the preferred choice for structured data management.

MySQL commands are classified into different types, primarily based on their purpose within the database. These types include Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), and Data Control Language (DCL). A comprehensive understanding of these commands and their practical application is essential for individuals involved in MySQL database operations. This article delves into each category, offering precise definitions and illustrative examples for better understanding.

Data Definition Language (DDL)

DDL statements are used to establish, modify, or remove the framework of database entities, such as tables, indexes, and schemas. These commands do not manipulate the actual data, but rather specify the organization of the data within the database. Some typical DDL commands are CREATE, ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATEand RENAME.

Examples of DDL commands

1. CREATE – This command is used to create a new table in the database.

CREATE TABLE students (
name VARCHAR(100),
enrollment_date DATE
last_update CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)

2. ALTER – Used to modify an existing table, such as adding a new column or changing the data type:

ALTER TABLE students ADD email VARCHAR(255);

3. DROP – Removes the existing table and its data:

DROP TABLE students;

4. TRUNCATE – Deletes all data from the table without removing the table itself:


5. RENAME – Changes the name of the table

RENAME TABLE students TO alumni;

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

DML statements are used to manage data within table objects. This includes inserting, updating, deleting and selecting data. DML statements directly affect the data itself, making them essential to day-to-day database operations. The primary DML commands are INSERT, UPDATE, DELETEand SELECT.

Examples of DML commands

1. INSERT – Adds new rows of data to the table:

INSERT INTO students (name, enrollment_date) VALUES ('Author Name', '1984-09-01');

2. UPDATE – Changes the existing data in the table:

UPDATE students SET email="[email protected]" WHERE student_id = 1;

3. DELETE – Removes rows from the table:

DELETE FROM students WHERE student_id = 1;

4. DELETEmore students – Removes more rows from the table:

DELETE FROM students WHERE student_id between 2 and 6;

5. SELECT – Retrieves all data from one table:

SELECT * FROM students;

6. SELECT – Select data between student_id:

SELECT * FROM students where student_id between 5 and 8;

Data Control Language (DCL)

DCL commands primarily revolve around managing permissions and controlling access to database objects. These commands play a vital role in maintaining database security by restricting access to authorized users only. The two most commonly used DCL commands are GRANT and REVOKE.

Examples of DCL commands

1. GRANT – Gives the user permission to perform certain actions on database objects:

GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON students TO '[email protected]';

2. REVOKE – Removes certain permissions from the user:

REVOKE INSERT ON students FROM '[email protected]';


Mastering the use of DDL, DML and DCL statements in MySQL is essential for skillfully creating and administering databases, manipulating data as needed and ensuring secure control over data access. A comprehensive understanding of these commands is essential to exploiting the full capabilities of MySQL in any data-oriented application or system.

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