IF you’ve ever wanted to travel back in time, then a new AI filter might be the next best thing.
Google’s new Art Selfie 2 allows someone to take a selfie and then be transported to a historical time period.



There are 25 eras and styles that people can choose to render their selfies in, including a Monet painting, a chivalrous knight, and an ancient Egyptian pharaoh.
Selfie filters have been around for a while, most famously on Snapchat, but Google is now using generative artificial intelligence in its product.
After the photo is taken and the AI generates the image, the user is presented with historical facts about that period.
People interested in trying the app can find it in the Google Arts and Culture app on iOS and Android.
Selfie filters are so popular that some people have spent thousands on plastic surgery – a phenomenon dubbed “Snapchat dysmorphia”.
New York physician Dr. Matthew Schulman says people come to his office wanting to look like a filter.
She says, “They come to me and say I want smoother skin, I want my eyes to open up, I want my lips to be fuller.”
Social media users love to follow filter trends and post their generated images online.
Filter trends include people making themselves look old or filming different things with a wavy filter to watch them bend bizarrely.
The annual number of plastic surgery procedures has more than doubled since 2000, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and young people have contributed significantly to the increase.
Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief executive officer, said that one of Google’s goals for 2024 is to provide more improvements to its AI.
In May, he said: “We’ve been applying AI to make our products radically more useful for some time.
“With generative artificial intelligence, we are taking the next step. With a bold and responsible approach, we are rethinking all our core products,
Google has already introduced artificial intelligence into many of its products, with machine learning allowing people to search through photos looking for parts within them.
What is AI?
AI stands for artificial intelligence and allows computers to behave in a more ‘human’ way.
This includes being able to have conversations – both casual and intellectually challenging – with people.
AI can analyze vast amounts of data at speeds that are impossible for the human mind.
It can be trained as well as learned.
The basis of artificial intelligence is machine learning, which relies on models that use mathematics, statistics and classification methods.
Developers will teach the computer to understand classification methods, meaning the AI can spot patterns and make groups of certain things.