Google Contacts clears lists using the “Related Apps” section.

In the latest update to Google Contacts, the app cleans up the way contact information pulled from other services like WhatsApp appears in each list.

Google Contacts supports displaying information from your Google Account as well as contacts stored locally on your device, but another useful trick is the ability to host contact information from other apps on your phone. However, this information often quickly got out of hand on older versions of the app.

As he observed TheSpandroidGoogle Contacts v4.26 fixes this by better formatting “Linked Apps” in collapsible menus.

In this version, Contacts displays a new “Related Apps” section below the contact’s main information. This works with the apps on your phone that you’ve used with contact information in those other apps and enables messaging as well as voice and video calls. WhatsApp and Telegram are good examples of this, but it also works with Google Meet and other apps.

Previously, Google Contacts listed all of these options under the contact’s main number, and they could quickly get out of control.

It looks like this change will be rolling out to all users, although your results may vary as it may be a server-side tweak. Do you see a change? Let us know in the comments.

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