Five iPhone changes Apple could make if the DOJ gets its way


(Image credit: Future)

The Core gets to the heart of the Apple news that matters to you each week. iMore news editor Stephen Warwick breaks down all the top news, along with deals, advice, insights and humour.

Well, it finally happened. After years of speculation and months of rumor-mongering, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has hit Apple with its massive antitrust lawsuit, in what is quickly turning into the tech legal battle of the century.

Not without its first critics, the suit appears at first glance to be inconsequential in places and sometimes far-fetched. In essence, the lawsuit alleges that Apple is locking out its customers and its competitors out of its iPhone ecosystem with its watertight business model. According to the lawsuit, Apple is “using its monopoly power to squeeze more money out of consumers, developers, content creators, artists, publishers, small businesses and retailers, among others.”

But what exactly does the DOJ want Apple to change about its iPhone? By hand, the lawsuit outlines five specific things it says Apple has used to maintain its monopoly in the US and as such it would like to change. Each has its own varying degrees of merit, and some Apple has already addressed, highlighting the complicated nature of the suit.

WhatsApp works on iPhone

(Image credit: Future)

Core – DOJ remarks

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