File under “Old Job”: Swissrail just can’t catch a break.
Richard B.
searched for news and reports “After following the link from this week’s Error, I came across this interesting description on the Swissrail member list. The file name means ‘Company Description in English (English)’. They have the same thing in French; the German description is normal.”
Allie C.
I didn’t order this. “Sorting by descending view works perfectly without any problems!” I don’t think we’ve found a catchy name for this category yet. I lean towards assortment.
Peter G.
grumble “This construction company claims to have been in business for a long time. I’d say at least two thousand years from their testimony.”
Adam R.
comments “Comcast has an outage in my area, and this time they’re not even giving me a rough guess for an estimated recovery time.”
Finally, conscientiously
Carly G.
revealed a very disappointing windfall. “Cashfoward BonusĀ® would be more accurate. I wonder what will happen if I spend it.” Don’t give it to me!

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