Corner components and display: unblocked default setting

Angular, a powerful framework for building dynamic web applications, is known for its component-based architecture. However, one aspect that often confuses new developers is the fact that Angular components do not have display: block style by default. This article explores the implications of this design choice, its impact on web development, and how developers can work effectively with it.

The world of front-end development is full of frameworks that aim to provide developers with robust tools for building interactive and dynamic web applications.

Among them, Angular stands out as a powerful platform, known for its comprehensive approach to building application architecture. Of particular note is the way Angular handles components β€” the fundamental building blocks of Angular applications.

Understanding Angular Components

In Angular, components are the fundamental building blocks that encapsulate data binding, logic, and template rendering. They play a key role in defining the structure and behavior of your application’s interface.

Definition and role

A component in Angular is a decorated TypeScript class @Component(), where you can define its application logic. This class is accompanied by a template, usually an HTML file, that determines the visual appearance of the component, and optionally a CSS file for styling. The role of a component is multiple: it manages the data and state required for display, it manages user interactions, and it can be reused throughout the application.

import  Component  from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-my-component',
  templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./my-component.component.css']
export class MyComponent 
  // Component logic goes here

Angular’s Shadow DOM

Angular components use a feature known as the Shadow DOM, which encapsulates their markup and styles, ensuring that they are independent of other components. This means that styles defined in one component will not leak out and affect other parts of the application. The Shadow DOM enables style encapsulation by creating a border around a component.

As a developer, it’s essential to understand the structure and capabilities of Angular components in order to take full advantage of the framework’s power. Recognizing the inherent encapsulation provided by Angular’s Shadow DOM is especially important when considering how components are rendered and styled within an application.

Display block: Default in Angular components

Angular components differ from standard HTML elements in many ways, one of which is their default display property. Unlike basic HTML elements, which often come with a display value of block or inline, Angular components are assigned neither as the default display behavior. This decision is intentional and plays an important role in Angular’s encapsulation philosophy and component rendering process.

Comparison with HTML elements

Standard HTML elements like <div>, <p>and <h1> they come with default styling that may include CSS display: block property. This means that when you drop a <div> into your markup, it naturally takes up the full width available to it, creating a “block” on the page.

<!-- Standard HTML div element -->
<div>This div is a block-level element by default.</div>

In contrast, Angular components start without any assumptions about the view property. That is, they do not inherently behave like block or inline elements; they are essentially “view dependent” until specified.

The reasoning behind not blocking the default value

Angular’s choice to deviate from the typical behavior of blocks of HTML elements is intentional. One reason for this is to encourage developers to consciously decide how each component will be displayed within the application’s layout. Prevents unexpected layout shifts and overwriting of global styles that can occur when components with block-level styles are introduced into existing content.

Because the display property is not set by default, Angular invites developers to think flexibly and adapt their components to different screen sizes and layout requirements by setting explicit display styles that match the component’s purpose within the context of the application.

In the next section, we’ll explore how to work with the display properties of Angular components, ensuring they fit seamlessly into your app’s design with explicit and deliberate style choices.

Working with Angular’s display style

When building applications with Angular, understanding and properly implementing view styling is critical to achieving the desired look and feel. Since Angular components come without a preset display rule, it is up to the developer to define how each component will be displayed within the context of the application.

1. Explicit setting of display styles

You have complete control over how the Angular component is rendered by explicitly setting the CSS display property. This can be defined inline, within the component’s stylesheet, or even dynamically through the component’s logic.

/* app-example.component.css */
  display: block;
<!-- Inline style -->
<app-example-component style="display: block;"></app-example-component>
// Component logic setting display dynamically
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit 
  displayStyle: string = 'block';

Choosing to style your component display via a style sheet ensures that you can take advantage of the full power of CSS, including responsive media queries.

2. Responsive Design Considerations

The adaptability of Angular allows you to create responsive designs by combining explicit display styles with modern CSS techniques. Using media queries, flexbox and CSS Grid, you can quickly adjust the appearance of your components based on the size of the viewport.

/* app-example.component.css */
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(150px, 1fr));

@media (max-width: 768px) 
    display: block;

By setting explicit display values ​​in stylesheets and using Angular’s data binding features, you can create a responsive and responsive user interface. This level of style control reflects the careful consideration that Angular brings to the development process, allowing you to create sophisticated applications that are easy to maintain and scalable.

We will then conclude our discussion and revisit the key takeaways from working with Angular components and their display styling strategies.


During this exploration of Angular components and their display properties, it became apparent that Angular’s choice to use non-blocking defaults for components was a purposeful design decision. This approach promotes more thoughtful application of styles and supports encapsulation, a core principle within Angular’s architecture. It guides developers to create purposeful and responsive layouts, a necessity in a diverse landscape of devices and screen sizes.

By understanding Angular’s component architecture and the reasoning behind its display style choices, developers are better equipped to make informed decisions. Explicit screen settings and responsive design considerations are not afterthoughts, but integral parts of the design and development process when working with Angular.

Embracing these concepts allows developers to take full advantage of the framework’s capabilities, leading to well-structured, sustainable, and responsive applications that stand the test of time and technology evolution. The information provided in this article is intended to guide Angular developers in making effective use of these tools, ensuring that the user experiences they create are as robust as the components they contain.

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