ConnectWise honored on the CRN AI 100 list for offering innovative AI solutions

ConnectWise, Inc.

ConnectWise, Inc.

TAMPA, Fla., April 8, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ConnectWisea leading software company dedicated to the success of technology solution providers (TSPs), announced today that it has been recognized by the BLACK®brand Channel Company, on the first AI 100 2024 list in the software category.

This list highlights vendors leading the AI ​​revolution with offerings in areas such as cloud, data center and edge, software, analytics, and cybersecurity. The commitment to innovation leadership among the AI ​​100 2024 honorees empowers the IT pipeline to build its own revolutionary AI technology stacks, as well as create the superior AI-based solutions that customers need.

CRN launches the AI ​​100 list at a critical time in the IT market as solution providers are now making critical investments in their AI portfolios that will drive unprecedented growth opportunities in 2024 and beyond.

Selected by a panel of CRN editors, vendors on the AI ​​100 list are recognized for the strength of their AI portfolios, commitment to innovation and ability to support IT channel partners as they bring AI solutions to life.

As MSPs (Managed Service Providers) undergo digital transformation, adoption of AI technology becomes essential to reduce costs and improve efficiency. ConnectWise Sidekick™ offers powerful AI automation that enables faster problem identification, resolution and insight generation, creating an exceptional user experience through sentiment analysis, ticket triage, summarization and integrations with products such as Microsoft Teams. ConnectWise RPA™ (Robotic Process Automation) helps SMEs discover automation opportunities, design work processes, execute robots, improve performance and drive growth. Revolutionary capabilities are available in ConnectWise cloud and on-premise environments, powered by ConnectWise Asio™, a secure cloud-based platform designed specifically for SMEs, offering centralized data, generative artificial intelligence and hyper-automation for increased productivity.

With its revolutionary AI technology, ConnectWise equips SMEs with solutions to increase efficiency—saving an average of five minutes per service ticketreduce costs—up to 75%/$1000+ per month and build outstanding customer experiences that will drive growth for clients’ businesses.

“ConnectWise is committed to empowering TSPs with cutting-edge AI and hyper-automated solutions through ConnectWise SideKick and RPA,” said Jake Varghese, EVP and GM, Business Management at ConnectWise. “This drives transformative employee and customer outcomes, operational efficiencies and outstanding business success for our partners. As artificial intelligence evolves, we eagerly anticipate future opportunities, further strengthening our mission to deliver purpose-driven solutions that empower our valued partners.”

“We are thrilled to recognize the technology vendors on the 2024 AI 100 list for their commitment to advancing artificial intelligence solutions in the IT channel,” said Jennifer Follett, vice president, US Content, and managing editor, CRN at The Channel Company. “Each company on the list has earned its place because of its commitment to helping channel partners build innovative AI solutions that transform customers and empower success. We look forward to seeing how they contribute to AI excellence in the future channel.”

The 2024 CRN AI 100 list will be featured in the April issue of CRN magazine and online at beginning April 8, 2024.

About ConnectWise
ConnectWise is a leading global software company dedicated to the success of technology solution providers (TSPs) supporting millions of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) around the world. With more than 40 years of dedication to partner success, ConnectWise provides unmatched software, services, community and integrations to drive profitable growth. ConnectWise introduced the world’s first true TSP platform—Asio™—that delivers unprecedented flexibility and security with built-in artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and machine learning capabilities. All of this contributes to efficient, productive end-to-end TSP solutions, including IT documentation, data management, cyber security, remote monitoring and security technologies. Discover how ConnectWise is transforming the IT industry at

About The Channel Company
Channel Company enables breakthrough IT channel performance with our dominant media, engaging events, expert consulting and education, and innovative marketing services and platforms. As a channel catalyst, we connect and empower technology vendors, solution providers and end users. Backed by nearly 40 years of unrivaled channel experience, we draw on our deep knowledge to envision new innovative solutions to challenges in the ever-evolving technology marketplace.

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Channel Company
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