If you’re looking for an app that helps you integrate BigCommerce and Etsy to sync your data, then you’ve come to the right place. Our expert team is here with BigCommerce Etsy Integration app to fulfill your business requirements.
In this user guide, we’ll help you integrate BigCommerce and Etsy. With this app, you can seamlessly sync your products from BigCommerce to Etsy and your orders from Etsy to BigCommerce.
BigCommerce Etsy integration features
- You can easily sync all your products from BigCommerce to Etsy.
- Admin can perform bulk and selective synchronization from BigCommerce to Etsy.
- Admin can sync orders from Etsy to BigCommerce.
- Inventory will sync when syncing products from BigCommerce to Etsy.
Important points to keep in mind
- You must specify a product weight greater than “0”.
- Turn on the “Track Inventory” option under “BigCommerce Manage Products” to sync products with Etsy.
- Synchronization will not work if required fields are missing. It will show you an error flag, and when you hover over the flag, it will show you a message about the missing information.
- For Product Management, Product Variants, SKU, Inventory, and Price must have some values under BigCommerce Product Variants to sync from BigCommerce to Etsy.
BigCommerce Etsy integration installation and configuration flow
Application settings:
For BigCommerce Etsy Integration application settings, you need to do the following configuration steps
- Go to App Settings
- Then click on General Settings
- On the right side you will see an “Authentication Etsy Account/Shop” button. Click on it to authenticate your Etsy Shop and connect it to this app.
- You will now see a page where you must login to your Etsy account/shop to continue.
- Now click on the Grant Access button to continue.
- If the store is successfully connected, it redirects you to the app’s general settings page.
- After that, you will see the message “Etsy Shop Authenticated successfully”.
- Go to store settings from the left navigation panel.
- Click the Sync button to sync your Etsy shops
- Next, select the Etsy Shop you want to sync with your BigCommerce account.
- Click the Save Changes button to continue.
- After that, go to the Other settings option.
- Configure the settings according to your requirements.
Note:- You must create a shipping profile at the end of your Etsy account. You must set a fixed shipping profile, not a calculated shipping profile.
Here is a guide to creating a shipping profile on Etsy.
Category Mapping:
Open Category Mapping, then map the BigCommerce category to the Etsy category and click the Save button.
List of category mappings:
Here you will see a list of categories mapped under Category Mapping. Now you can easily sync products according to mapped categories.
You can also delete mapped categories using the action button.
Product display in BigCommerce Etsy integration:
Now go to the Products tab, here click on the sync button to sync your products from BigCommerce to Etsy. Products synced with Etsy will be displayed on the same page.
Administrator can synchronize bulk or selective products. Inventory will automatically sync whenever a product (quantity) is sold on either Etsy or BigCommerce.
Note:- In the event that the product does not sync with Etsy; you will be able to see an error message showing the reason for the out of sync.
Display orders in BigCommerce Etsy integration:
Click the Orders tab, then click the Sync button to sync orders from Etsy to BigCommerce. Orders synced with BigCommerce will be displayed on the same page.
The order is synced on the BigCommerce end with a new ID, every time a user places an order in an Etsy shop. It also has a matching Etsy order ID to help you easily identify it.
Note:- In case the order is not synchronized with the BigCommerce end; you will be able to see an error message showing the reason for the out of sync.
For any support or help you can contact Webkul.
Etsy End View
Product Overview on Etsy End:
By default, all products will sync with the draft status, and you can activate products as needed.
Order a review on Etsy End:
Viewing a synced order on the Etsy end.
This is all about BigCommerce Etsy integration. If you have any doubts or need any customization, please contact our Support team for BigCommerce by creating a ticket at