A fun waste of time or a learning experience?

I wasted my time with this activity where you create the next iPhone. Playing around with the site reminded me of a few fundamental principles that are often overlooked when…

How to work with Java JAR files

In the Java world, if there is one file format that everyone is familiar with, it is JAR files. JAR files are an archive or collection of files distributed as…

What a pain – The Daily WTF

I’ve been collecting submissions for a series of themed columns that will appear later. We’ve received a few submissions this week that will fit nicely into those themes and they’ve…

Here’s why people complain about e-learning and how to fix it

I’m a big fan of e-learning! I’ve been in the industry for almost 30 years and I think it’s a great way to learn. I also think it’s a great…

Alternative asana | Developer.com

Asana claims to be the best project management software on the market, and its clients include some of the biggest names in the business, such as Spotify, Nasa, General Electric…

Secure software development: 10 key takeaways

Probably everyone has heard about the increased danger on the internet that comes in the form of cyber crime, malicious codes, social engineering like phishing and network spoofing etc. But…

An introduction to project goals and smart goals

Every software project has goals, and those goals should be SMART Goals. But what exactly does that mean? This guide will introduce project managers to the concept of SMART goals…

Java assignment operators | Developer.com

Java provides many types of operators to perform various calculations and functions, such as logical, arithmetic, relational, and others. With so many operators to choose from, it helps to group…

Java assignment operators | Developer.com

Java provides many types of operators to perform various calculations and functions, such as logical, arithmetic, relational, and others. With so many operators to choose from, it helps to group…

Will you lose your eLearning job?

The ultimate goal of the organization is not to build a course. Instead, the goal is to satisfy some kind of need for performance. And in this sense, the e-learning…