The next iPhone update is so close you can almost hear it. Many big changes are coming, from a major security update for iMessage to improved protection against stolen devices. Now Apple has just made a statement that completely reverses its stance on one key element: Progressive Web Apps.
Big changes are coming to the iPhone with the iOS 17.4 update.
March 4th update below. This post was first published on March 1, 2024.
Progressive web apps are those web clips that are designed to provide a user experience similar to native apps, but use the web rather than an actual app, and users can place them directly on their home screens. As part of its compliance with the Digital Markets Act in the European Union, Apple said it is removing support for PWAs: full details here—please read to the end.
However, things have just changed, with Apple confirming the changes in an “Update for applications distributed in the European Union”. Much of the document remains the same, but there are changes, which you can find in one of the FAQs. Here’s what Apple said in the update:
“Previously, Apple announced plans to remove the ability for web apps on the home screen in the EU as part of our efforts to comply with the DMA. The need to remove the capability was based on the complex security and privacy issues associated with web applications to support alternative browser engines that would require building a new integration architecture that does not currently exist in iOS.
“We have received requests to continue offering support for Home Screen web apps in iOS, so we will continue to offer existing Home Screen web app capabilities in the EU. This support means that home screen web apps continue to be built directly on WebKit and its security architecture, and align with the security and privacy model for native iOS apps.
“Developers and users who may have been affected by the removal of Home Screen web apps in the EU beta release of iOS can expect the return of existing Home Screen web apps functionality with the availability of iOS 17.4 in early March.”
This is a complete reversal. This is a sign that things are still volatile before the implementation of DMA. And that means that Apple has dismissed the possibility that the EU will investigate this action – although this has not been confirmed.
The iOS 17.4 update will be here in a few days, and then we’ll see how big a change it will be.
Update as of March 3rd. Reactions to this sudden and unexpected reversal were widespread. First of all, Maximiliano Firmman, a developer and author, announced on X that while PWAs will remain, they must still be based on Apple’s WebKit, saying: “BTW, after the initial reaction to the cancellation decision, it’s important to point out that Apple has also confirmed that alternative browsers will not be able to execute installed PWAs, even if the user installed them from that alternative browser. I’m not sure yet if this is 1) Apple’s final decision, based on the new legal idea that the DMA requirements never actually applied to them, or 2) an interim decision while they find a technical solution to the problem.”
Regarding Firtman’s point #1), Financial Times suggests that it may be true. It said: “The European Commission welcomed Apple’s announcement, saying it had ‘directly or indirectly’ received more than 500 complaints about the company’s original plan.” If this suggests an investigation could follow, the publication quoted a Commission spokesperson as saying: “Contrary to Apple’s public representation, the removal of home screen web apps on iOS in the EU was neither necessary nor justified under the Digital Markets Act. “
The report also said that Open Web Advocacy sent an open letter to Tim Cook, urging him to change the policy. This letter had “almost 5,000 signatures” by Friday, March 1.
More than we have.
Update as of March 4th. More answers are coming in about what happened, although there has been no further twist and Apple has now said that PWA support will continue to be supported in iOS 17.4 as soon as it is released, which will likely be any moment now.
Earlier, when support ended, Apple said it thought it would only affect “a small number of users.” That might be true, but as two iOS developers who call themselves Mysk and describe themselves as casual security researchers posted on Xu, “Initially, Apple expected the removal of PWAs to affect a small number of users. Today, Apple reversed course after the demands of that “small” number of users grabbed the headlines of major tech outlets. This is a lesson for all; never underestimate small numbers.” They also welcomed the turnaround, saying “Great news: PWAs are back in the EU, albeit only on WebKit.”
That’s where they’ve been until now, so while the offering hasn’t expanded beyond WebKit, it’s not a reduction in service.
How all this happened is not entirely clear. According to ReutersApple said that “agencies – particularly those serving essential functions such as defence, banking and emergency services – have contacted us about these new changes”, and that “one EU government agency has informed us that there is no doesn’t even fund staff to review and approve apps for its devices, so it plans to continue to rely on Apple and the App Store because it trusts us to comprehensively vet apps.” Apple did not specify which agencies were contacted.
However, whether these changes were necessary in response to the EU’s Digital Markets Act or not, it seems that the possibility of the demise of Progressive Web Apps has now been averted.