Substitution, Choice, Time Travel, Foul Language, and Mistake.
Jeremy Pereira
pushes the boundaries of this column by sharing something Law. “Kind of anti-WTF. It took them 44 minutes to realize they made a boo-boo.” They’ve probably been notified, but it’s still a pretty good time to fix it. Especially given the problems we know have been going on for years and years.
Darren S.
interjects “We’ve had little marketing since SmartSheet. The irony is that it was all about how to use tags to customize data or views.”
Ford Prefect of Collation
he huffed “Perfectly (machine) translated, except for the sorting. The German is called Deutsch in German… Spanish could be Spanish. What could be the Welsh local name?” I know what it is, in Welsh, and it starts with C, but I don’t think the original language of this list is actually Cymraeg.
While Wordsmith
whined “You don’t see how this is connected.” It’s not.
Finally, boy
it reflects the formulation we have all taken for granted until now. “When the loading process failed, it told me to check the logs for more details. Here’s what I found: Prove that logs can also be recursive…”
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