WhatsApp may soon let you quickly add a “Like” reaction to your status updates thanks to a new simplified button. This is similar to implementations already present on other social platforms and messaging apps.
It’s pretty clear that the “Stories” format is quite popular, so much so that several of the most popular social apps have implemented it. Basically, it’s a text, image or video that you can upload that will be visible to your contacts for a limited period of time (usually 24 hours). Over time, apps that implemented the format added new ways to interact with updates, such as quick buttons that let you react or even reply directly to them.
WhatsApp is working on a simplified “Like” button for status updates
Now, according to a recent report, the WhatsApp dev team is working on a feature that will allow you to “like” your contacts’ status updates. This will be possible thanks to the heart-shaped button that will appear next to the text box when you reply to a status update. If you’re an Instagram user, you’ll probably be pretty familiar with this.
Currently, the feature is partially implemented in the latest beta version The source states that while you can enable the new feature, it is not yet fully functional. When you try to use the simplified WhatsApp heart button in its current state, nothing will happen. However, based on the operation of the button present on Instagram, it is possible for the other party to receive a notification indicating that you liked their status update.
It is important to note that the app already allows you to react to your contacts’ status updates with certain predefined emoticons. They appear just above the text box when you’re about to reply to a new status. But a simplified “Like” button will be right next to the text box, at your thumb’s reach, making the process easier. The new feature will likely seek to improve the use of reactions on status updates and make them as common as they are on Instagram Stories.