Error: You can do it again!

A first for me, this week we received FIVE unique reports of the exact same error on LinkedIn. In the spirit of the theme, I also dug up a few unused submissions from older issues on LinkedIn. I suspect there are more than the usual number of technical people looking for work.

John S., Chris K., Peter C., Brett Nash and Piotr K.
everyone sent samples of this double mistake. It’s a fallacy AND bad math, together!


is also looking for work and commented “Well, I know technical writers can have a hard time finding work, so they turn to LinkedIn, which doesn’t seem to be helping, however… (another post translates to ‘cleaners part-time) looking’) As an added bonus, apparently I can’t try to look for a job outside of Italy, which is pretty weird to say the least!”


Drew W.
found a very small bug in their handling of non-ASCII names. “I have an emoji in my LinkedIn display name to prevent scrapers and other similar bots. I didn’t think it would also prevent LinkedIn!”


Mark Whybird
returns with an inner iteration. “I think I may have found the cause of some recurring notifications when I went to the Linkedin notification settings page?” I think maybe!

the third


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