The Magento 2 TV application allows you to watch videos on your TV with the help of a TV controller. User can use their home TV to use this app and watch various videos added by admin.
Since it is a TV app, there is no need for a mobile app, users can directly use the app on the TV.
Additionally, you can add product videos to your Magento 2 store with the help of the Magneto 2 video player extension.
- Admin can add videos from their back panel.
- Admin can also add channels from admin side.
- Assign multiple videos to any channel.
- It supports bulk on, off and delete channels.
- Bulk enable, disable and delete videos options are available in the module.
- It uses the Graphql API to get channel details and assigned video URLs.
Installation is very simple like standard Magento 2 extensions.
#1 downloadable module
First, you need to login to Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchases section, confirm, and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.
#2 Load the folder
Once the zip module is extracted, follow the path src>application and then copy application folder in Adobe Commerce Cloud root directory on the server as shown below:
Unzip the appropriate extension zip and create a folder named Webkul(provider) and Magento2TVApp(module) inside your Magento/app/code/ directory, then move all module files to Magento root directory Magento2/app/code/Webkul/Magentotvapp/ folder.
Run the following commands through the terminal
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
Once the module is installed, now configure the module on the admin side by going to Store > Configuration > TV app.
Admin can enable or disable the module from here.
In Magento 2 TV application, admin can create multiple channels and assign videos to channels.
Create a new channel
Click on Add New Channel to create a new channel for the TV app.
Admin will add channel information here.
Title: Add a title for the channel.
Description: Add channel description displayed in the TV app.
Status: Enable or disable channel status from here.
Now click on the video assignment section to open the list of videos added to your store.
From here, the admin can assign videos to the appropriate channel. They can also delete and leave videos from the channel.
Admin can check and add videos from here.
Click the add new video button to add new videos.
An admin will add the following details to create a video in their store.
Title: Add a video title.
Description: Add a description related to the video.
Color: Admin can choose background color.
Thumbnail: Add a thumbnail for your video.
Background image: Add a background image to the video.
Video: The administrator can select a video from his device in MOV or MP4 format.
Status: Enable or disable video status.
Now click on the assign channel option to assign the channel to the video.
The administrator can assign the channel one by one or in bulk.
Admin can make home page settings from here, which will be reflected in the TV app.
The administrator must add the following settings.
Title: The admin will add a title for the home page to be displayed on the TV app.
Short description: Add a short description that illustrates your store or business.
Content: Add content or a long description to your website name.
Number of videos: Enter the number of videos to be added to the TV app.
Picture: Enter homepage images for background.
Select a home page category: Select the category to be displayed on the home page.
After all the settings are completed by the administrator, the user can watch the video directly on his TV.
When the customer opens the first page of the app will be displayed with channels, added videos, title and descriptions.
Check the channel
Click on the channel icon to check the added channels and their video list.
Search for video
Customers can search for video using text keywords in the Magento 2 TV app.
When they enter a keyword, all related videos will be displayed on the TV.
Play the video
When a customer clicks on any video and plays it, then the customer can stream the video on their TV. I can also play, pause, fast forward and rewind the video.
That’s all about the Magento 2 TV app. If you have any questions about the plugin, please feel free to contact us at the Webkul Support System.
Current product version – 4.0.0
Supported framework version – Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x