7 ideas to help you make the online course less boring

less boring e-learning courses

We’ve all been there, building courses where we don’t have much control over the content. You know the ones I’m talking about – those alignment courses or those annual refreshers that are driven by content rather than performance. Truth be told, the organization doesn’t really expect miraculous performance improvements from these courses. They simply want to ensure that everyone reviews the content, completes the assessment, and tracks completion for their records. Permanent records. You know, all that stuff that shows up at the pearly gates on doomsday.

But don’t be afraid! Here are seven quick thoughts that might help you create less nap-inducing courses:

  • Content is just content. Context is king. The content itself may not be the most exciting thing in the world. But when you add the right context, it can really change the game. Imagine taking those boring courses and making them interesting just by giving them the right context. So let’s think about it: when and why do people actually use content? By framing it in a way that is relevant to students, we can make it more engaging and meaningful. Sure, it might still take some clicking and reading, but hey, at least it’ll be worth it!
  • Create a case study around the content. Case studies can be memorable and powerful – they’re like captivating stories that stay with you long after you’ve read them. Unlike the typical overload of points, they are much more attractive. And guess what? You have the power to make your case study even more interesting by giving it a cool structure. How, you ask? Follow some classic hero archetypes to create an unforgettable case study.
  • Change your perspective. We have this shoplifting prevention document that we often use during our workshops on creating interactive eLearning. Most participants design their own training for individuals on spotting thieves and reducing risk. But you know what’s really cool? Some people like to mix things up and approach it from a different angle by training would-be thieves! It’s the same content but with a twist, and trust me, it adds a whole new level of fascination to the content.
  • Create a bunch of mini-scenarios about the content. Don’t over build them. I recommend the 3C model: create a situation that challenges their understanding, give them some choices, and then give feedback as a consequence. Instead of next buttons to advance, they solve the problem through a script.
  • Have you ever wondered what would happen if the basic knowledge you are about to learn is not known? Let’s imagine the scenario together. Consider this: there is a key safety process that everyone must be aware of in order to ensure their well-being. Now, suppose this life-saving process is not followed. Unfortunately, accidents would happen and people could get hurt. Start training with someone injured. Conduct a CSI-type investigation and lead them to the types of prevention that make up the security process.
  • Do not give them information. Are you ready for an interactive learning experience? Let them dive into this content by including them. Ask some thought-provoking questions. They should make decisions. If they don’t know the answers, they can guess or do a little research (which you can give as helpful hints, call a friend, etc.). Use it for them to progress step by step.
  • Let them be tested. Not everyone has to complete the entire course. If they are already familiar with the content, provide them with a way to prove it. And for those who may be new or need a refresher, they can go through the course at their own pace. This post shows a few ideas about testing.

Obviously, ideally we don’t build boring courses. But this is not always the case. We hope these tips give you some ideas. What would you add to the list?


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