If the rumors are true, iOS 18 could include some big changes for iPhone users — including one that everyone who isn’t thrilled with Apple’s default iPhone navigation app wants. According to a document Apple recently shared details of its plans to align with the The new Law on Digital Markets of the European Union (DMA) changes, the company may finally give you the option to change your default navigation app from Apple Maps to an alternative like Google Maps or Waze.
Apple is expected to reveal iOS 18 during its WWDC 2024 conference, which is likely to happen in June this year, based on the dates of previous years’ conferences. It’s unclear whether Apple will confirm its plans to allow changing the default navigation app in iOS 18 during the conference, or whether the feature will come with a later, iterative update. The compliance report only states that, “Apple also plans to introduce a new default control for users in Settings for navigation apps. Apple intends to make this solution available by March 2025.”
That March 2025 timeline gives an indication of when we can expect the new feature—even if it doesn’t arrive in iOS 18, it could arrive in a later version of the OS, as Apple is constantly adding new features via minor updates over the years between full releases of iOS.
Whenever the option appears, it will obviously be a big deal, as many iPhone users undoubtedly prefer something other than Apple Maps. The ability to select a preferred default will be a welcome change for anyone tired of copying and pasting an address into Google Maps (or mindlessly clicking an address in text, accidentally launching Apple Maps, then closing and going back to text on then copy and paste the address into Google Maps).
The change could be limited to the EU
However, there’s a caveat worth noting: Since this feature change is part of Apple’s plans to align with European DMA, it may not be a feature that becomes available everywhere iPhones are used. If Apple geo-locks the option for those inside the EU, it could be years before people in other countries get the same choice — if ever.
Unfortunately, Apple played a heavy hand when it came to DMA-compliant modifications; from allowing third-party app stores to allowing users to download apps through the web browser on their iPhones, many of these changes are only available to those inside the EU