COVINGTON COUNTY, MRS. (WDAM) – The Covington County Sheriff’s Office now has an easier way to store data and track records at the jail.
“It’s really, really simple,” Covington County Sheriff Darrell Perkins said. “It’s fast.”
The office has been using ‘Calibre’ for about two weeks after upgrading from ‘Civiceye.’
“It would have to cost us a lot of money to upgrade everything,” Perkins said.
The new system has several moving parts, with different features all working together with prison monitoring, computer-aided dispatch and records.
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The system cost several hundred thousand dollars and the office went through several courses to maneuver through the system.
Perkins said deputies can use Caliber while on calls and, with several other surrounding counties using the system, can share information and locations.
“We can pick him up and he’ll give you the last call within just a few minutes.” Perkins said. “So if the dispatcher brings it in, I can look at the screen and tell you what’s going on.”
The sheriff says they hope to be in compliance with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Incident Reporting System within three months.
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