Is your client satisfied with your e-learning courses?

successful e-learning courses

It is important to manage the relationship with customers while building courses, as customers may not always know what they want. Customers often posit additional training as the solution to the problem, but course designers must step in and provide the best solution.

Here are some tips on customer relationship management.

  • Is training the right solution for them? They want the person to go from point A to point B, but what are they doing now and why aren’t they getting there? How will training affect these reasons?
  • It is important to establish clear expectations for the course you will be teaching. This can be done by doing a needs analysis and writing a service level agreement that details what they will get and when.
  • To make sure your course is successful, it’s important to set clear goals and determine how you will measure them. This helps to assess whether the objectives have been met or not.
  • Customer expectations should be determined at the beginning of work. Then everything should be done to exceed them.
  • Make your clients look good by promoting their help and success. Write nice things about them to their managers. This helps them get more time, especially if they are also subject matter experts.
  • Courses should be effective, as stated above, but they should also be efficient. Manage your expenses and calendar well. Gain a learning experience and make efficient use of students’ time.
  • Do everything you can to finish before the deadline. Many projects don’t do this because there is a lot of scoping where even more is added to the requirement. A good service level agreement helps to solve some of these problems.
  • Pay attention to the project and anticipate problems. Then take care of them before they become problems.
  • After the project is delivered, I quickly review the service level agreement with the client and get them to sign it. I’ve worked on projects that failed (because the customer wanted a course that wasn’t needed) and somehow the blame was shifted to the training team. By getting the client to review and accept the contract, I can prevent this from happening.

This is not an exhaustive list. What things would you recommend to someone just starting out?


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